What is the way to explore and experience life?

Everyone is saying “life is short” but what did they do about it! they waste it fighting,  arguing, getting made over small things, I believe the best answer is to get the best out of it, to make it a better place, time is limited so do not waste it, use it and do not get trapped in someone else’s life, live yours. 

The way to experience life is to live your own life, if you have an idea do not put it on hold, with the excuse of “when the right time comes’’, maybe this time  never comes, or comes when you are not around anymore, create the right time, plan it.
Don’t be scared of making mistakes, nothing wrong with making mistakes if a person does things for the first time, this is how he/she will build their experience. There is no such thing as “fail” if they get something out of the experience.

Every time a person tries something new, and allows him/herself to be open to whatever experience arises, they are learning, and expanding their repertoire of life skills and self-knowledge.
Get out of this static mode, live the dynamic life. Don’t get fixated with achieving a certain status, fame, wealth or material, knowing that they are impermanent, but they are never enough, and one day they will disappear when you die, they don’t go with you. 

If you don’t have a chance to travel try to make it happen, at least explore your area, know the others do not think of them as opponents only, but learn from them, learn about them.

Learn and study history, of yours and other cultures. Read any piece of text, it is useful, instead of judging others try to understand them.
Keep a record of what you have learned the way you understood it, keep pictures and clips about the places you have visited, write about them as your own journal,  writing will remind you about these places, may be open doors for new ideas and from different angles.

We all have the power and the opportunity to change our lives at any time we choose; yet, it is not that easy, it needs a lot of hard working, and effort, and it will not happen overnight, take one step at the time. 

Be the engineer of your life, design it the way you like it; yet, when you design it don’t forget about your values, morals, and beliefs, they are your guide, make a plan, and create an action plan for your goal and work on it.

Your real life exists beyond the boundaries, limitations, and bubbles of your own personal thoughts and feelings get out and get it.